Wednesday, June 27, 2012

a weird week

It really is a very different kind of week for us.
Macy and Eli are at youth camp in Colorado.
(Please, please, PLEASE pray for them
because the wildfires have forced the amazing youth
leaders at our church to relocate all 170+ kiddos
to another camp to avoid the smoke.
And tonight (Wednesday) is the first night of
PLEASE pray.
God IS at work, despite what the enemy has attempted
to thwart.)

today was rather odd because K-Man took the day off
and we only had Brenden with us.
The littles were with my mom (God bless her).
And Nick was playing in a golf tournament.

So we were down to our first-born.
Oh how different things would be if we had stopped
after him!

We went to a fun shopping area & to Cabela's!
He loves him some firearms.

And I continually tried to take a pic of both
of us together...but he kept eluding me.
Only-children are so spoiled.

We had a great time.
Then it was time to get Lucy and Isaiah,
in order to keep my mother from starting to drink and cuss.
Just kidding.
Sort of.

We got home and normalcy resumed:
Ridiculous boy behaviors.
Non-stop harassing.
Pillows, a-flying.
All-out brawls.

I was worn out.

And it's no coincidence, I suppose, that Brenden
had on his Show Hope t-shirt.

Our littlest guy has been shown MUCH hope.
Via, brotherly love.


God is really good, ya'll!!


Vicky said...

I love the photos of the boys playing together!

Jean said...

Saying prayers for Macy and Eli! The fires are terrible- I feel so bad for so many that have had to evacuate and then may lose their homes.

What a fun day with your "only " child!

Lovin the pics! And the captions! Man affection- ha, you are so right!

Unknown said...

Praying for Macy & Eli-for safety & logistics & that they will each encounter God in a huge way that will mark them for life! Hugs!

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