Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Work-Day....Later, a BIG Date!!

I've been super busy and productive today thus far. I did some knitting (yes, I'm still knitting and lovin' every second of it! You nay sayers need to give it another shot!). Then I moved onto a bigger project....starting an overhaul on our bedroom. I'm beginning with painting all of our woodwork ('s very pretty!).

Right at the moment I've got hair color processing on my head(every month there is an alarmingly higher amount of gray hair popping's just not right), so here I am as I wait.

I will leave you with this cute picture of my friend Martha and me. Our two boys were each awarded a prestigious award at an awards ceremony for their extreme basketball talents! Nick got MVP!!!! Anyway, Martha & I decided that behind every good young man is a FABULOUS mother. So here you go.....

Ok, I gotta go run get ready for my big date tonight with K-man!! I can't wait!!!


Holly said...

MVP?! Wow, that's great!

Jean said...

Congrats on the MVP Mom, I mean Nick!! Way to go!!! Hubby and I had a big date tonight, too!! So fun!! Mark and Johnny babysat! Have a great evening!

FYI- we were home buy 8:00 (kinda sad but that is our life- thank goodness we like it!)
Church and dinner- works for me!

Mom Of Many said...

That gray hair thing is a real drag isn't it? I think it would be great if one of the things that this president made national was that no one could use hair color anymore...hence we all would look old long before we are, but what would it matter, everyone would be in the same boat!?!

And as far as the Big Date...I totally expected that it was going to be pictures of B out on a big date....but it was only you and K-man...what a letdown! (Sorry guys)

Jaime G. said...

and how was the date, ma'am? did he sweep you off his feet with his manly good looks and chivalry?

Hezra said...

oh I totally agree the MOM should get SOME award. lol My little guy is 9 but it so amazing at baseball already. He really has a gift for it. But it is work on my part too. It would have been nice to get a little plaque or something. lol ;-)

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