Sunday, December 7, 2008

Part 3

I guess it was two weeks ago that I was fasting and praying for a number of things....but a couple of matters that I always seek from the Lord, especially during that concentrated prayer time, is for a discerning spirit and wisdom. If left to my own thoughts, ideas (I have tons of go-nowhere ideas!), and plans, I'm a mess! I need God's direction desperately!

One thing that I love about God is how He speaks to us...usually, it's just a whisper. If we don't take time to listen closely, we can easily miss Him. It's not that He doesn't want to be heard....I mean, He certainly can (and does at times) speak LOUDLY but He really desires us to remove the noisy clutter around us and focus on Him.

With every "rumbly in my tumbly" that day, I prayed as I went about my daily tasks. At one point (ok, at many points) I was on my computer checking in (if I was getting paid for keeping a close eye on my internet favorites...I would certainly be up for a promotion and a huge raise!). I belong to SEVERAL (ok, like 4, 5..6? Actually, I think it's 8!) adoption yahoo groups and get emails constantly from them. I usually delete them unless the subject happens to really catch my eye...but that's only about 5% of the time. But I got one that day that I really can't remember what the subject said....but it did catch my eye for whatever reason. I opened it quickly to give it a fast read so I could then delete it. But.....I was captured immediately. Now, it doesn't take much to move my heart big-time with anything orphan related. God has softened me (and my hubby) so it was really nothing new that this message gripped me. But, it was a little seemed to be FOR US. I immediately texted Kelly and told him about it....several 13 year old kids in Ch*na were soon to age-out and they needed to be adopted quickly or they would spend the rest of their childhood in the orphanage. Right away, he texted me back saying to find out all I could...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Really? Go Lori Go!

jan said...

okay, you can finish the sentence now...anytime...really now would be a good time....

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