Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Day Begins...

Trailer life....

I was supposed to get up early, early & meet Linn for coffee this morning but it just didn't work out. Lucy kept waking up during the night crying & eventually ended up in bed with us (which has never happened before). So when my alarm went off to get up (I was already awake) I was just so exhausted, but more than that, I was afraid that if Lu woke up & I wasn't there she would be really confused (especially after such a rough night). Anyway, here I sit & she is still asleep & I never really went back to sleep so I could have gone after all....grrr!! I'M SO BUMMED!! That's what happens when I make a quick decision at 6 AM. But hopefully I can squeeze in a coffee shop visit with my sweet friend before we leave.

I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today other than the boys are going to a drama class with Graham & Emma. That should be fun. Oh and I have laundry to do....yep. **sigh** If we bring enough clothes to wear that I don't have to wash them, we have piles of dirty garments with little space to put them but if we don't, well...I have to do laundry. **sigh** Oh well, I'll get that done this morning then a nice stroll through downtown looking at all the goodies that each little shop holds will wash my laundry cares away!

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