Be still my he not the cutest thing ever?!!
It took a while but Lucy and Nate finally clicked and boy, did they take off! They had a blast and giggled relentlessly.
Seriously, this little guy made my heart mushy. Oh dear...what might that mean?
He is adorable! Hmmm...ya know...there are a lot of cute little boys in China who need a Mama... :)
Honey... I am mushy right along with you!! Oh, how I love my little boy.
What I wouldn't give (you finish the sentence).
oh man! I love Gayly!!
I was just thinking before you SAID it...I think that Mama needs a little China boy :)
Can tell you from experience they ARE such blessings! I hear the paper-shuffle of another dossier? :)
Get the papers flying! You know you want to...go for it!!!
Yes he is for sure a cutie. Just wanted to tell you that its been nice seeing you on every day. You dont know it, but I use to have coffee with you every morning. I missed you. : ) The little girl is pretty cute too. ; )
How fun!!!!
One day, I will meet a blog friend. I hope. lol.
And that little boy...
..that face kinda leaves you speechless, And makes me thankful I am on my way, and not just in the thinking about it stages. :)
That face makes you want to reach through the screen an kiss on it. lol.
Your daughter? Same thing.
Thanks for a wonderful afternoon yesterday! What a blessing to finally meet! The coffee is awesome:) I had my a fresh cup this morning.
Little boys are such a blessing but your girls are amazing as well!
Thanks again friend!
huh, I think if you open your windows, you may hear a little orphan boy from China calling you...
Blogs need a "like" button. :)
How wonderful that you two could get together!! What a blessing!! The kids are adorable together!!
I know what you mean- it has already happened to me!! Your older boys would love a little guy!! Oh My the fun they would have and Princess Lucy would still rule!
If you get a chance hop on over to my blog and tell me what to do with Miss Sarah! I need ideas and prayer!
It means one more in a family!!! WHOO HOO!
Hehehe, and tell my husband to get on the ball too!
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