Yesterday I had a shopping experience that I only have a vague recollection existed before...the children.
I shopped....
I'll bet some of you may not even know that sort of activity is going on out there.
Let me share with you how it was...
It was glorious. Glorious beyond words. Yes indeed.
I got to push the cart...all by myself. No one pulling on me. No one telling me they have to pee once we hit the farthest point from the bathroom. No one sneaking things into my basket. No meltdowns. No one whining.
No one. Because, I was all alone (have I mentioned that?).
I didn't even mind the long lines. Well, I sorta did but I got over it quickly as I stood peacefully, alone.
I didn't mind not finding the some of the items I had one my list (even though we are alarmingly close to Christmas)...as I hunted for them, alone.
Then, all alone, I went to Starbucks. What does a gal all alone get for herself?
Gingerbread Latte, that's what.
It was a sweet time, my sweet friends. Sweet.
Are you serious that there are shoppers out there without children? Is that a possibility someday in some far off galaxy?? Sounds just dreamy!
Oooh, I BET it was sweet!
I LOVE alone time... because it happens so infrequently makes it all the more special :)
Glad you got some, AND a latte!
Wow! I am so jealous! LOL! When I get the change to go out alone, I take it at a full out run! With glee on my face! My hair waving in the wind! Hee, hee!
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli
Ah...that's one of my favorite gifts to myself...shopping ALONE!!!
Good for you. Remember that feeling & indulge it more often, friend.
"Alone"--that word is pretty much non-existent in my vocabulary these days. Thanks for the sweet reminder of how it feels :)
Great post, my friend.
I think I did that once! hee,hee.
Oh yes.....it's starting to come back to me!! ~~~ALONE~~~ ~~~TIME~~ WOW....how I loved those times. Maybe next CHRISTmas I will put that on my wish list! ;-)
The only thing more fun for me would be shopping with you and getting a Starbucks together. :))))
Sounds heavenly!! And a Gingerbread Latte! Wow- that's a great day!
Sounds wonderful! Thats whay I have been screaming for ( in my head) alone time. Glad you got some.
TOO Funny!! I hear ya!! I spent a fun friday afternoon keeping Audrey from running over people in M*cy's and of course a potty emergency while standing in line behind an older woman with WAY to many questions!!!!
I got to do the same thing last night! I went to a couple of stores and then Target and had popcorn and pepsi and walked around slow and savored the moment. :-)
What a completely beautiful post. Thanks for sharing! ;) So glad you had such a blessing!!
shopping alone. I do it often. with coffee in hand. in my pjs. over my laptop. ONLINE BABY! I am now afraid of stores. lol
But oh the bliss of being in a real store by myself. I can hardly imagine. I am glad you had a moment of bliss my friend.
That's what I want for Christmas. Alone time, do you think they would be offended?
I got to shop alone for my birthday. It was GREAT!
I am thrilled you got some alone time. We need it!
Quite the contrast from me attempting bra shopping with Lauren, Marissa and Bryson in tow!!!
jon and i had child free shopping time the other night. it was odd. we almost didn't know what to do with ourselves.
*and i had an odd dream about you last night. i blogged about it. you should check it out.
hope you're well and i hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
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