I am so stoked that several of you want to do the Esther
study with me.
I still need to put the finishing touches on the details of how we will
make this run smoothly week to week.
But for now,
here's a quick overview of how a Beth Moore study
works and how we will attempt to make this
as cozy as we can, even though we won't actually be
meeting in person.
1. Watch one video a week.
The videos (10 in all) are available online.
Each video is about one hour long
and are $5 for each.
(Click the "Related" tab on on the site I linked to see the list of videos..
and there is also an audio only option).
2. Homework.
For the week following the video there will be
five days of homework.
I won't lie, it's often a challenge to get it all done.
Beth (we're on a first name basis) doesn't skimp on digging
deep into God's word.
Just do it!
Oh, and the workbook can be downloaded for a fee
or you can buy an actual book at a Lifeway store.
3. Coming "together".
Ok so we will gather here at my blog
(I'll provide the coffee)
once a week to chat.
For now, let's plan on Tuesdays.
BUT, I don't want to necessarily wait until
our weekly gathering to talk about stuff.
If something strikes you during the week,
by all means,
send me an email or leave a comment and we'll
do a mini-chat about it.
From time to time we will stretch our gathering time
out to a two-week span in order to allow
any of us lagging behind to get caught up.
So, no worries.
Ok, I'll leave it at that for now so not to make this
more complicated than need be.
I'm not going to set a start date quite yet...although I'd love
to get started within a week or so.
Right now,
I'd like to hear from those of you who want to join me.
Leave me a comment or an email and I'll
put you on my list of participants!
And if you plan to order or go buy the actual workbook,
do that soon so we'll be all set to get started!
If you have any questions,
let me know right away so we can get this up and
running soon!
Oh Lori, I think that sounds like fun. I love the Beth Moore Studies. And your right she does like to dig deep and she has a way of putting you somewhere in the Bible and revealing things you never saw before. I will look for a book in town today or tomorrow. Thanks for the invite. Cant wait to get started!
I am in and excited. You may need to have a little extra grace with me due to my current circumstances at home, but I will put my best foot forward as I really couldn't do a bible study out of the house right now as it is. So thanks!
And knowing Tracy is already in as well makes it even better!
I'm a maybe... I'm such a failure with this... (yes, it does sound like I'm having my own personal pity party!)
Part of me would love to and the other part doesn't want to put more on the plate.
I'll let ya know...
But I love that your doing it!
I've always wanted to do this study. I may be one of the stragglers who needs the extra weeks, but I'll give it a try.
HEY - I'm on week 4 of Esther, all by my lonely self!! I'd love to tag along - I'll bet y'all will be caught up with me in no time!
That was sweet Sally! You made my day! : )
I’m in!!!
I am in too:) I have been wanting to do this study!
Before I commit, I want to make sure I understand it all:-) The weekly videos are $5 each and there are 10 of them so it is $50 for the videos? Am I correct?
If I wasn't just starting a study of John with a bunch of gals I'd be in with ya!! I hear this is a good one, we did Esther last year but not the Beth Moore one.
Once I hear time and place I can say a positive yay or nay but I'd love to give it a try! Lisa
Hi Lori, I have been following your blog for what seems like forever. I am interested in participating in the study. I don't have a blog and wanted to find out if that is a requirement or if it is necessary to make participation possible. (I do, on the other hand, have two precious blessings from China along with three homegrown big kids!!)
I will wait for your response before I buy the book.
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