Anyway, unrelated to all that, I need to tell you about the NEW BABY that joined our family a few weeks ago! If you follow me on FB, you already know this news and have seen these pictures, but for the rest of you, here you go:
Meet Oliver Peanut! Our itty bitty rascally puppy.
(Pardon my homeless hair, as K-Man calls it.)
(It's really my just-washed-my-face hair do.)
Oliver P. is 3/4 Chihuahua and 1/4 Jack Russel.
The perfect blend of caffeinated-like energy, shaky nervousness, and fearless disposition.
Practically exactly the same as me!
He even zips around the house like me, too.
AND he has no idea how small he is.
(He was a whopping 1 1/2 pounds at 8 weeks old!)
Here he is getting to know Zeke.
He was way more eager than Zeke was, trust me.
But they're friends now, thank goodness.
And Mater was very unsure about this little bug-of-a-pup, too.
But they're buds now also.
It's a regular canine love-fest around here!

We are all just crazy in love with him!
Yep, all of us! :)
Welcome to the family, Oliver! We think you're going to fit in just fine around here.
And if you'll stop piddling on the floor, Mommy will be especially happy.
I love the expression on Mater's face! Has Oliver discovered the chickens?
My kids all want a new puppy. :( They don't want to walk the dog we have now or clean up the furballs that our cat leaves around the house. Oliver is SO cute, but I have to be tough and say NO NO NO!!
Love the puppy. He is adorable! So much fun to have a new little one. Welcome back to blog world....we missed you but totally understand.
Where are you? Hope all is well and you are just a very busy mamma. Miss reading your posts!
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