Well, Happy Day!
We came home from a long grocery shopping trip/Chinese dinner
to find pics in our inbox of our
Little Mister!!!
This totally makes up for my disappointment
in not getting TA today.
Although...getting both would have been beyond dandy.
Enough yap, yap.
Here are the pics.

Look at that little man with his hands on his hips
like he's all that and a bag of chips.
Lucy has met her match.
Lord help us all.
I'm so sorry no TA today - but yahoo to receive these very precious photos of your handsome little mister!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Um, how old is he? Because, you know...I have this 4 year old peanut...and I am all about match making. :D
Oh man, bet you can't wait to get him in your arms.
Prayers for TA!!
Much love!
He is SO cute!!!
My sister-in-law is also expecting their TA anyday now. Maybe Kelly will be meeting my family in China...by the way, my brother-in-law is Kelly, too!
We just got new pictures of Mia and a short video...I have watched it at least 30 times! Expecting our LOA anyday.
I was thinking the same thing- oh Lucy....you have met your match sister! :) Fun times coming to your house soon :) very soon I hope!!
So, so cute.
He is absolutely DARLING!!
He is just way too cute! Come on, TA!
He is just too cute for words! :)
He looks like a spunky boy! :)
His little round face...so cute!
Oh my!!!! I can't wait to meet this little guy! What a pair he and Lucy will be!
Oh I do beleieve you and Lucy are in for a run for your money! :) HE IS PRECIOUS!!!!
He is a DOLL!!
Lucy is not going to have as much work to do as you thought!!
Poor girl!! Hee Hee!!
Poor Macy...She doesn't have a chance! At least she has you!!!
Be still my southern little heart. What a beautiful gift from Abba!So happy you received those pics at a time when you needed a little encouragement!
He IS all that and a bag of Chips! Fasten your seatbelt Lori, Love it!!!
Oh my goodness !! What a absolute cutie pie !!
Oh, be still my heart! Come on TA, this lil man must come home!!!!
Pure sweetness! And hooray for inbox surprises!
Ha- I love it!! He is adorable and yes, he will give Lucy a run for her money!
Well thank goodness you got pics because it's hard waiting for that TA! Bring a mini magnadoodle- Sam loved everyone else's! And a beach ball- tons of fun and no damage!
We were bummed when ours didn't come on the friday but then heard it cam on MOnday-sooooo, ya never know! Maybe Monday will be the day!
Ava is always bossing Sam around! (i don't mind- hehehehe)
I loved the dark skin--funny that it's looked down upon in China.
Lucy is in for a shocker. I bet they will be best buds though.
I am so glad that you received some pictures!!! He is so cute, adorable and precious!!!
praise lord!!! He will be home soon!!!
I remember looking at Lucas's picture with his hand on his hip and his finger pointing at the camera all sassy, and saying the same thing, "He's going to give Addie a run for her money!" And that was almost right. The truth is that the two of them are giving ME a run for MY money! (Like when I found them giggling in the closet with their partially eaten valentine candy...) Oh my. I'm not sure what God was thinking when he stuck my two little strong-willed kiddos together! I can't wait to watch you discover the same joys that I am experiencing now!
So fun to see the new pictures! Hope the TA comes soon.
Take your vitamins lady! just sayin'
Can't your agency check up on the TA? ours did...or is that a thing of the past too?
Ohhh, he is just so precious!!! Praying for your TA!!!!
He is adorable!!!
Aaaaaahhh!! Yes, he is definitely ALL THAT and that bag of chips!!! He simply could not be any cuter. : )
Seriously cute! And yes, you will have your hands very full with Lucy and this little spitfire, too!
All the best,
Nicole A., now in LA
Loving this!
I cannot wait to see he and Lucy tussle!
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