Saturday, September 25, 2010

friday afternoon {in review}

Let me take you on a quick tour of our
Friday afternoon.

This child is always asking if she can do school work.
And she particularly likes to write out her
memory verses.
She asks me if she can do this, over and over.

As if I'm going to say, no?

But lest you think she's all work and no play...
she can switch to cheerleader mode, quick as a flash,
don't you worry.

But even though it takes a village to convince this child
that she is not the dictator of her domain
here in our homey-home...oh, never mind.
Who am I kidding. She absolutely IS the dictator.

Here are a few of her subjects...

So, that's our Friday afternoon in a chocolate-covered nut.

Have a happy weekend!


Janet and Kevin said...

Lori -

I just had to chuckle when I read this post about Lucy. We think that Philip (who shows natural bossiness - oops - I mean leadership) qualities will either be a CEO of his own company someday or a dictator in some country far away! We only hope we will still be in his good graces when he takes over control! Ha, ha!!

Janet and gang

Jean said...

Where did you get those memory verses??

We have a couple with leadership qualities here, too!

Argh! It's cute but Argh!

I have to remind everyone- excuse me, who is the mother here??

The correct answer would be me but they don't always get it correctly!

Shonni said...

Cute, cute cute..
Why is she pointing her finger at you in the first picture? LOL I can almost hear her telling you to “wait”...God Bless you Friend :)

Karin said...

She is so cute. :) I love that she wants to write out her memory verse over and over. Enjoy it--and hopefully it will last. :)

zhanna said...

Lucy is adorable!!!! How I love tuning into your blog! Reading about your children warms my heart :) and makes me laugh!

Holly said...

I love her! And I gotta say, her writing is pretty amazing. How old is she?!

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