
Sunday, January 13, 2013

alfredo pizzas!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and a heart-changing time at your church!
Aren't you so very thankful for our freedom to worship openly?
Oh wow, I am SO grateful and pray with my kids all the time that God would
protect that precious freedom.
We are so blessed, America!!

We go to Saturday services at our church, so dinnertime beforehand
can be tricky because we have to leave way earlier than
we usually eat.
But I try to throw together something fun as an early dinner.

So here's what I made on Saturday:

Alfredo Pizzas!

Here's how to do it
(Which means, all measurements are approximate!)

Melt about 3-4 tablespoons of butter in a sauce pan.

Throw in a good heaping teaspoon of minced garlic.

Mixing quickly, add about 1/4 cup of flour.

Whisk, whisk, whisk!

Then add some milk (or half & half).
I'm really not sure how much...just keep adding & whisking until
you achieve a thick sauce.

Add some Italian seasoning.
(Maybe around a teaspoon, or slightly less...)

Then a heaping helping of Parmesan cheese.
(1/4+ cup) 

Roll out some pizza dough.
lay out some delicious soft flour tortillas onto a cookie sheet.

Generously layer your yummy Alfredo sauce onto your crusts.

Top with Mozzarella cheese!
(Not pictured)

Put on the top rack of oven under a hot broiler. 
Watch closely!
It will be bubbly and ready to go in a matter of minutes.
(If you use pizza dough, bake on a lower rack at around 450 degrees.) 


And once you get the kids' pizzas made,
make your own pizza just the way YOU like.

I made mine with artichoke hearts, feta and mozzarella cheese,
and marinara sauce.

Everyone was so happy!

And the world continued to spin on its axis.
And then we went to church.
And were richly blessed.

And that's all.


1 comment:

  1. We love chicken with white sauce, I top ours with chicken, cheese and yummy veggies, Friday nights are always pizza night at our house with the end of the week, gymnastics practice until 8pm, etc. I would love to have your pizza crust recipe, I have one but it's not my favorite yet so I am still looking!
    BTW, the girls will have a meet up your direction the first weekend of March, maybe one of these days we will get together, it seems like forever!


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