
Friday, May 24, 2013

u-pick strawberries!

Well, I gotta say, our first full day of summer break was a complete success.
And fun!

There's a peach orchard just a couple miles down the road from us,
and this year they have strawberries available.
And we just happen to LOOOVE strawberries.

So I loaded up the troops and we went berry-pickin.

Thank goodness for the large, raised rows.
They confined my all-over-the-place little man quite nicely.

The berries added up quickly.
And as far as I know, no one consumed any while we went along.
I said, as far as I know.

It was a beautiful day.
Slightly cool.
Slightly warm.
Just perrrrfect.

It was as if I completely forgot that they would actually weigh our boxes of berries in the end...
and that I would have to pay for them.

I call this photo,
Two cute girls in a berry patch.
(I'm very creative with my words.)

And I call this one,
Silly berry-pickers.

This one,
Holy smokes, we just picked $27 worth of strawberries,
what the heck are we going to do with all these?

Oh, I know.
We'll eat much of them on the three-minute ride back home.

Well, that was sure fun.
And delicious!


  1. Looks like great fun. We hope to do that for blueberries. I got strawberries 99cents per pint at I have 24 pints of jam=)

  2. What a fun day! You're such a great mama!! Love you!


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