
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the weekend

Did you have a wonderful weekend?
Mine was pretty good.
Very uneventful, which might seem like a nice change of pace,
but being that my life is very uneventful mundane, I'm regretting that we didn't 
at least go to a parade, or something.

Anyway, the weather was great for most of the weekend,
so we spent a ton of time outside.
We had some areas in our yard that needed grass seed planted,
so we did that.
(I know, I know...not the best time of the year to sow grass, 
with the hot weather approaching.  I should remind you that K-Man and I are middle-children,
we'll do things OUR way, thank you very much.)

And I'll tell you something else.
Raking big patches of dirt to smooth it out is positively the best ab workout ever.
I woke up yesterday morning with my entire trunk feeling as though a truck slammed into it.
So what I'm saying is,
be watching for my new ab workout video that I'll be producing soon. 
I'll call it,
"Lori's Rake-the-Yard Rock-Hard-Abs Workout."
It will be a national sensation, I just know it.

Moving on.

I didn't take very many pictures over the long weekend,
except these:

Look at my little peach trees.
There are little teeny tiny peaches all over them! 
Cobbler, cobbler, cobblers are in my future.

My peonies are blooming, right on schedule.

Sarah's baby chicks are growing up.
Look at the littlest one...she's a feather-footed bantam and the cutest thing ever!

AND....the best part of the weekend was that Katie came to visit!
Brenden is home from college, but has a summer job that 
takes him out of town a lot.
So we were so tickled to have both of them here!

Well, that's it for me.

I gotta get moving.
Lots to do this week!

ENJOY your day!

1 comment:

I LOVE your fact, I'll go as far as to say I'm obsessed with hearing from you! I love, love, love it! So, leave me a comment, would you?!