
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

quick little survey, please!

Hello, dearest friends!

We are having another sunshiny day today and I couldn't be more stoked about that.
But I have a ton of baking to do,
so the high of 90+ degrees won't exactly be my friend.
(No, we haven't caved to turn on our AC yet.)

unrelated to all of that,
I have been pondering and simmering on how I can
improve my blog,
making it a place where you simply can't wait to come visit each and every day!
I'd absolutely love it if you'd take just a few moments to take
my little survey directly to the right, on my sidebar.

You can check multiple answers.
Because if you're anything like me,
there's no way you can answer anything with just one little phrase.
And if there happens to be something you'd like to add,
please leave a comment or shoot me an email!

You guys are simply THE best.
Thanks so much for your help!


  1. I voted for all of the above even though we both know I'll never cook the recipes. I love your blog and I especially like when you share about your kiddo's! You have an amazing sense of humor and there are days I just need a good dose of laughter!

  2. I already really enjoy your blog!!!! Thanks for sharing with us in bloggy world!:)


I LOVE your fact, I'll go as far as to say I'm obsessed with hearing from you! I love, love, love it! So, leave me a comment, would you?!