
Saturday, April 13, 2013

prom {2013!!!!}


I am just roasting in my 2013 prom experience!!

The fact that my kids (Nick and Sarah) wanted to have dinner at HOME,
just made me beam with excitement.
Between the fact that I really do love to cook...AND that I love all things FRUGAL,
I was just over-JOYED.

Here's the pictorial:

K-Man and Little K-Man.  (NICK)
Oh my GOSH, I love the men in my life!!!

Friends having dinner.
In our basement.

Queen Sarah.

The Littles, enjoying the leftovers!

I didn't take a pic of the shrimp cocktail, or the salad!

But here's the steak and potatoes!

AND, dessert.

Then, it was photo time.

Lucy and Sarah.

Isaiah and Sarah.

Lucy, Sarah, and Isaiah!!

Nick and Sarah.

I want to cry. 
I love these kids soooooo much!
I have THE BEST teenagers on the entire planet, seriously.

Here's the whole group!

And here's the super fun photos.
With ME.

And for your viewing "pleasure"...K-Man and me at our very first prom.
I am sooooo laughing hysterically.
And crying.
And laughing hysterically!!!!!!
1984, gotta love it!

Oh my gosh, I just love prom!



  1. Wow - you certainly DID NOT disappoint! Great photos! And I love the backdrop with the beautiful trees and the sweet lil fence.

    (And the food looked dee-lish!!) Love you, chica!

  2. Since I already admired your awesome prom photos on Facebook, I'll just skip to my commentary on YOUR prom photo. :) Lovely....lovely....and I must say, your feathered back, permed hair looks quite fetching.

  3. It looks like so much fun!Honestly I may even have enjoyed doing that! BUT too late... for awhile that is!

    Love all of the pics!

    You two were so groovy in 1984!

  4. ::::gasping:::


    I love love love these couples. They look so wonderful, as teens should. Fun, loving, and the good kind of innocent! I hope the kids still at home have great times like this when their time comes. <3 My oldest daughter did. :)

    And look at yous guys!! I LOVE THAT!!!

    I, too, went with my husband to my prom. And if I pulled up the pictures I will pee in my pants. I mean powder my nose. :P After all, we were the only punk rockers at the prom. LOL.


I LOVE your fact, I'll go as far as to say I'm obsessed with hearing from you! I love, love, love it! So, leave me a comment, would you?!