
Sunday, April 21, 2013

fun-filled weekend

My goodness, what a weekend!

Here's a partial pictorial:

Blackberry cobbler.

Isaiah going outside to play...with his mask...because his face was cold.

Brenden came home!
And here he is brushing his teeth in my KITCHEN because all the bathrooms were full.

Here I am at the laundry mat.
Because my washing machine died. (More on that later.)
I have a new fondness for this way of doing laundry.
Knocked out four loads in nothing flat.
Note to self: save up for four washing machines.

All my kids, and two girlfriends, invaded my kitchen and took over completely.

Brotherly love.

Motherly love.

And now he's heading back to school.


OH, and I have a funny Macy story.
She got a job at a little Chinese restaurant near our house.
She worked her first shift last night...
And when K-Man picked her up, she told him she was making $2.50 an hour.
He was quite alarmed by that and asked her exactly what they said...
and she said, "they said they are paying me $10.  
I worked four, that's $2.50 an that too much?"
Oh my WORD.
So, I marched in there this afternoon for her second shift,
introduced myself (with a Mama Bear attitude), and asked them HOW MUCH exactly
they were paying her.
(We seriously thought they were taking advantage of her!)
Very sweetly the gal said,
"$10 an hour."

Gotta love the many things lost in translation.


And that's about it, folks.

I hope your weekend was great, too!


  1. Yes, I also had a great weekend, though not quite as exciting as yours. I'm glad you had a weekend with your oldest treasure and his girlfriend. NEVER dull moment at your house!!

    And the Macy story......hilarious!

  2. So cute! I love that! And have I ever mentioned how I wish you were my neighbor??? That cobbler.... Not to mention all the fun!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! And I believe you are doing a wonderful job w/ Macy...she has her math facts down pat!

  4. Oh - I love your weekend!!

    Thank s for the update and so glad you got her a raise- hahahaha!

    Just love you sweet friend!!


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