
Thursday, February 14, 2013

the symphony!

We had such a fun Valentine's Day!

We went to see Peter and the Wolf put on by
 the Kansas City symphony.

Here are my two little rascals just before we left the house.

Seriously, isn't Lucy stunning?
And Isaiah, the cutest little guy ever?

Here we are at the Kauffman Center,
waiting to be seated.
It is SUCH a gorgeous building!

This is my good friend Mary's daughter, Allie.
And Lucy!

Look at my charming little man!
He can never seem to wear his boots without at least one of
his pant legs being half way tucked in.
I love that.
Some woman is going to have a lot to undo someday,
because his mother let these things go uncorrected.

Again, the gorgeous Lucy.
And the spectacular Kauffman Center!

Look how excited Isaiah was before the performance started!
Exactly one hour after this photo, 
he was writhing in his seat from painful boredom.

Here is the orchestra!

It was truly fabulous.
I am so amazed at such talent!

Here is my dear friend Dawn and half of her crew.

Here is my friend Mary and a third of her crew.

And here I am with a third of my crew.
(All three of us have six children each, how cool is that?! We are such fertile ladies.)

As you can see in the pic above, Isaiah was still in shock from this cultural experience.
And he even said to me on the way home,
"I would have rather stayed home and done schoolwork all day long!"

Again, some lucky lady will thank me for this little man some day.


  1. You're one beautiful Mama! Happy Valentines Day!!

  2. Sounds like a perfect day! Happy Valentines Day!

  3. Lucy is looking lovelier by the day!!! Oh my.

    And I am still keeping tabs on that boy. For my girl. :D She can undo stuff. She is one smart/tough cookie. lol.

    I LOVE going to the symphony. I think I am going to take Samuel for the first time this year. He has been begging to go. Lincoln Center doesn't have as much glass as your place, though. Your center looks fantastic!!! Who knew Kansas could look like that??!!??

    ( I will duck if we sould ever meet for that comment that probably deserves a good smack in the back of the head.)

    Cool Valentines Day, Lori!

  4. I saw your pictures on FB and the first thing I thought was how beautiful Lucy is! Your little man is adorable!!!

    If it makes you feel any better I drag my kids to the ballet and theater all the time. My boys would also rather stay home and do school work all day. One day when they are refined young men they will thank us. At least that's what I tell myself as they are whining through The Nutcracker every single year. :)

  5. They are so cute! Does Isaiah's expression ever change? Love the grin!


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