
Monday, February 18, 2013

cats opening garage door [BRENDEN]

I had my weekend all planned out.

1. Bake a lot of stuff.
2.  Clean my bathroom.
3.  Color my hair.

And whatever other wild and crazy things I could come up with.

that all changed when on Saturday morning as I was sipping my
very-early-AM coffee I heard the garage door opening.
This thought seriously went through my head:
*How did those darn cats figure out how to open the garage door?*
It was early, that's my excuse for that thought.

So I dashed to peek out and lo and behold, there walks in Brenden...
and his new *friend*.

They had missed curfew at school so they hopped in the car
and drove and drove and drove until they got home to our house.


You have no idea, Brenden is not a rule-breaker.
So I was kind of proud of him for being so spontaneous.
Kind of proud.
Kind of not.

Anyway, we had a really fun whirlwind visit!

And I snapped a picture.
They're adorable, right?

They promised me a full photo-shoot
the next time they come for a planned visit.

Oh my gosh, these kids are aging FAST.
And to think, I've got five more behind this one.

My gracious.


  1. A new *friend* !!

    And he did the responsible/ clearing throat thing. Sort of.

    lol. Yes, these are interesting times. Enjoy the ride!

  2. So happy for you that you had wonderful surprise visitors!!


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