
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

another snow post {i just can't help it!!}

My apologies for more winter-ness.  But, golly...I am in awe of the beauty!!

Look at Zeke.
He  was ecstatic about the big snow-fall!
Really, he was.
I tried to capture him frolicking in it, but he refused to cooperate. 

And here is my little set-up this morning as my electric skillet was hooked
up to the generator so I could fry us up some sausage and eggs.
I don't know why, but I had such fun!

And here is our trusty generator.  One of them, anyway.
GREAT investment!

Look how beautiful our basketball goal looks!

And here is our wood-burning stove/fireplace.
That gal kept our living room at a toast 77 degrees all day long!

Okay, beautiful is this, right?!!

And my man on his tractor.
Mmmmm, good!

Beautiful trees, heavy with snow!

The road to our house....

AND from the other direction.

The pasture next to us.

Our driveway!

Our driveway with a kitty cat.



And yet again,
my little red hen house.

Okay, that's all for now!
But if it snows again, I will be showing you more of the same!
Get ready!

There were approximately 16 exclamation points used in this fairly short blog post.
My apologies for that.
I just couldn't help it!!!
17, 18, and 19.


  1. We got 8 more inches Sunday night & yesterday but ours isn't that pretty! It came with high winds and left big drifts behind!
    I'll be coming through this weekend if you want to get together maybe- Saturday would be my option on my way to the city.


  2. When I wake up to this, I get SUPER annoyed. lol.


    I am glad you are enjoying it though! I am trying to get your enthusiasm of it, but it is not working. I like this for about 10 minutes, then, I am done.

    And yet, it hangs around for WAY too long. :P

    I don't post pictures of snow. :P My family loves it. I am happy to stay indoors and have hot chocolate and pop corn ready for when they come back in.

    And I am super jealous of your wood burning stove/ fireplace. 77 degrees is dReAmY!!!

    ( believe it or not, Jersey weather is all I know. :P )

  3. Wow I am jealous! I love snow! It was 70 degree where I live today and my daffodils are starting to bloom....

  4. I love exclamation points!! As you know!!

    The pics are beautiful!!

    However praise the Lord that it melts!


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