
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


A while back I made a promise not to ever make waffles for dinner again.
The process of serving one person at a time drives me nuts.

But, I made waffles last night for dinner.

I decided in advance to not be so uptight about it.
To just, let time fly and not worry about a thing as I made up
my waffles, one at a time.
All caution was thrown to the wind.
All of my strict traditional dinner-time ways, turned hippy-style.
It was quite freeing.
And no one at the table was afraid of me.
It was quite pleasant.
Especially for everyone around me.

Now, listen.
For many of you, this is a no-brainer.
But since I still see waffle/pancake mixes being sold at the grocery store,
I feel deep conviction to educate you mix-buyers.

(Sorry for shouting.)

For added deliciousness and a gob of nutrients,
I mill my flour.
Pictured below is my concoction of wheat, barley, spelt, millet, and oat groats.
Can you say, regularity??

We have freshly milled flour, just like that.

But obviously, if you don't have a grain mill, you can't make fresh flour.
No worries!

You are still way ahead of the game if you use white and/or wheat flour from the store.

Way ahead!

Here's the recipe I use:


1 3/4 cup whole wheat flour 
(or you can add white flour, if you must)
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1/4 cup melted butter or coconut oil
1 3/4 cup buttermilk 
(I've used regular milk in a pinch and it's fine)

(I always double the recipe which amply feeds my big crew, 
plus a couple left over to stick in the freezer for a quick breakfast!)

Mix together,
then put on your waffle-making hat and settle in for the long-haul.

And that's that.

My work here is done.


  1. We love waffles around here too. Last night I made a huge double batch of Chocolate chip waffles for supper and froze the left overs for quick breakfasts. I had found some milk marked down because it was the day before the expire date so I used it up:) We have that same little heart maker- I really would like to have a big fat waffle maker though:)

  2. yeah, but W-mart's is only $1.57 a box and 'all' I have to do is add water...some mornings that is all I can manage. This morning I baked my pancakes in the oven...on a cookie sheet...they were square...and good...with chocolate chips on them. The end

  3. What type of grain mill do you use and do you like it?

  4. I wanna try it! Can I use the same recipe for pancakes? Laura


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