
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We finally got a fairly decent amount of snow yesterday!

Hooray, hooray!

The kids had a blast.
And I enjoyed taking pictures of them from my kitchen window.
Life was harmonious, be it ever so briefly.

And while I was feeding/watering my chickens today,
I made K-Man take a picture of me.
Though he held my cell phone upside down and it made me sideways.
And once it's on my computer, I can't rotate it for the life of me.
But I suppose it kind of sums up my personality.

Aren't you jealous of my sexy coveralls?

I didn't think so.

1 comment:

  1. Nice snowman!! :) And of course you look maaahvalous darling in your coveralls. Those chickens are so lucky to feast their eyes on you each and every day.


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