
Monday, January 28, 2013

nice day!

Hey, everyone!

We are  just chillin' & relaxin' here on the homestead.

It got up to a sultry 74 degrees today!
In January!
Have you ever?
What a lovely treat-of-a-day God gave us here in the midwest!

The rest of the week's forecast calls for rain, cold and possibly snow.
I LOVE eclectic weather!

Here's a couple things going on:

1.  I made Rice Krispy Treats today for the first time in a VERY long time.
GEEEEE, why does anyone ever BUY these little gems?
They are beyond easy and FAST.

2.  I finally faced reality today and decided that we need to cull some
of our old hens (aka, chicken soup) because they aren't laying any more.
Hate that.
So sorry, henny-hens.

3.  I am making Tacos Al Pastor for dinner tonight.
I'll post more about THAT later.
Unless they don't turn out.
In which case, we'll never speak of this again.

4.  I need to get busy on planning for my pigs.
I am so totally getting pigs this spring.
And honey bees.
I'm pretty sure.

5.  I found a super-old Singer sowing machine inside a darling cabinet
at a thrift shop yesterday.
But it was a hundred bucks.
I can't stop thinking about it.
Hoping I can pop back in there in a few days and see that
it's been drastically reduced.
Please, oh please!!!

That's all for now.

Gotta get started on my dinner!!


  1. I have half a free range pig in my freezer I would gladly give you if you lives closer. We do not like the taste of it one bit. :( We do love our free range beef and chickens though.

  2. No pigs. Pork is bad for you. :) I am so jealous of your 74 degree weather. I guess we are supposed to get into the 50's tomorrow. Not quite summer. They were predicting a winter storm and I got all excited until it said, "By tomorrow it will change to rain." ARGH. I want a blizzard! :)

  3. That's just what I told the kids at the bus stop this morning! Today is a nice little gift from the Lord!
    The pigs and bees sound like fun! Can't wait for spring! My backyard plans are a bit less ambitious. It seems we are installing gymnastics equipment! I guess I'll have to start my blog when that gets underway!
    My brother -in-law keeps bees. Did you know you can even get beekeepers suits for the littles? My niece got one for Christmas this year! Lucy and Isaiah helping out will certainly add to your excitement ;-) Sheri


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