
Sunday, December 30, 2012

diner behavior

As you may recall, I am addicted to cooking shows.
Particularly, restaurant cooking shows.

I am mesmerized by them.
I am meant to be a diner owner, I just know it.
If only I had the energy!
And the money!
And the know-how!
And the lack of laziness!

But when K-Man gave me a half-dozen squeeze bottles for Christmas
(along with 237 other things),
I knew just what I would do with them...
Fill them up with various BBQ sauces, ketchup, and mustard
to keep on the kitchen table.
Just like my make-believe diner!!

This is just fabulous, right?


And don't you worry.
I never EVER refrigerate my condiments.
I can't STAND cold condiments.
I have left them out at room temperature for as long as I can remember.
And I'm just fine.
Except for a very quirky personality...and a few twitches.

I'm just so excited.

And there's more diner behavior coming very soon.

(No, I am NOT opening up a diner!)


  1.!!! :) I wanna eat at your house! And I love diners. There was a bonafide one in MI when we lived there and it was soooo cool. Not the healthiest food but still cool. :)

  2. We never refrigerated condiments either, until being browbeaten into it lately :-(

  3. You crack me up!

    Mark brought home a bunch of these condiment squeezy things at Thanksgiving. (Our extended family Thanksgiving ended up being an OSU/Michigan tailgate party.) He pretty much had the same reaction to these fabulous little pieces of cheap tackiness!

    My kids love them! I'm a bit too paranoid to leave them out all the time but if you, the master chef, leave them out.... Sheri

  4. I'm calling Guy Fieri right now...


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