
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas day...

Christmas morning started fairly early,
thanks to two little excited kiddos!

And the teens were, well...

not nearly as eager.

They're precious in this state.

Everyone got three presents.
Plus their giant stockings were stuffed ridiculously full.
Macy and Eli had a blast digging in!

Each of the little kiddos got a new bike...

This little fella was so darn excited!
And it was pure torture that he couldn't go out in the frigid cold
to take his new ride for a spin.
So, he just rode around the house, best he could.

And WOW, was I surprised to get THIS present!

For the third year in a row.


One of the gifts my littles got was a costume box!

Isaiah especially loved it.
Along with his craft box!

Lucy loves the costumes, too.
Especially this little flapper dress that she looked adorable in.

And well...
This is our little Chinese Ninja named Wendy.

Then he got more in touch with his heritage...

As did others.

K-Man has to serve in jury duty next week.
So he decided he would wear this plastic Army helmet.
"Reporting for jury duty, SIR!"
That should do the trick for them to send him right home, yes?

My sweet mother-in-law and me.

We had such a great day.

We enjoyed the food...

and we enjoyed each other.

I hope your Christmas was special, too!!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas- looks like everyone was happy with their gifts!!

    Great ideas with the dress up box and craft box!

    I did get some of the God's Little Princess Books for the kids. I'll let you know if they're a hit or not!


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