
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

checking in with you

Mercy be, my's been ONE.OF.THOSE.DAYS.

I almost went on strike today right around 5 PM,
as I rallied every ounce of sanity left in me to cook some dinner
for these people in my house.

I sat there and day-dreamed of the day I only have to cook for
K-Man and me.

But there I was, fixing a spaghetti dinner for the masses,
only to rush off afterwards to take the kids to church and do my grocery shopping.
It never ever ends.

If one single person comments that I will miss all this some day,
I swear I will hunt you down.
You just don't say that sort of thing to an old mom with young kids.

But I'm truly thankful for all that I have, I am.
God is providing and He is forever GOOD.
My plate is full, literally and figuratively.

And all my added stress/menopause-nonsense/what-not,
has made me PACK ON THE POUNDS.

So much so that Nick has started calling me,
Big Booty Judy.
(He isn't getting any Christmas presents, by the way.)

So anyway,
just wanted to check in with you.

I don't have any recipes or pearls of wisdom today.

Just keep on keeping on!

And never forget how much Jesus loves you.
Some days, that's all I have.
And that's ALL I ever really need.

Sincerly Yours,
Big Booty Judy


  1. Start planning now for when the last kid graduates...
    Tell them you are moving into an assisted living joint immediately after the grad. party.
    My mom is moving into one down the road from us (prayers please) and I have to say it is looking really good! You can have your car (so keep your wits about you). They cook 3 meals a day, make your bed clean your room/s, bring fresh towels each day AND do your laundry! I mean why do people get so worked up about these places?! The place up here even has an english pub and they liquor up the old folks on occasion. My mom's friend is just going to move without telling her husband!! OH, they have a kitchen for the residents if you strike an urge to make some of your yummylicious bread for old times sake!
    Now that you have a plan you may return to your remaining 15 years of cookin, cleanin and schoolin. Your Welcome. Sheri

  2. CROCK POT......
    and beans... then the kids can make their own bubble bath.... :)

    I feel your pain and I only have 2 kids and a husband at home to cook for :(

  3. Ah Lori, I feel your pain girl! Have some of the same issues going on at this house too... and I just can't give up my coffee creamer, but it is a pound packer for sure.

    My moments of sanity - I say mommy needs quiet time and I go to my room and take a nap. Watch another movie kids. :)

  4. Love the sense of humor:) Thank you for your faithfulness!


  5. Just be thankful he didn't call you big belly Nelly. Love you Sue

  6. RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! Let the kids cook!
    and big butts are in this year.


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