
Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Promise (dvd review and giveaway!)

WINNER:  Lisa!

Lisa, email me your mailing address and I'll get your new DVD shipped right away!

I was given this wonderful video to review, and it was so lovely!

The kids and I had errands to run today so I popped it in the DVD player in
the car.
I couldn't see it...but my kids were totally captivated the entire time!
And as I listened, I was so impressed by the beautiful music,
the lyrics being totally Scriptural.
And the story starts with Old Testament Israel being promised the Messiah,
and then the fulfillment through  the birth of our Savior, Christ Jesus.

It was so wonderfully told in a way that young children will understand,
without watering down Truth.

I definitely recommend this video to add to your Christmas DVD collection!

Leave me a comment if you'd like a chance to win a copy for your family!
I'll draw FRIDAY by noon!
(Check back to THIS post to see if you won!)


You'll really love this DVD, I just know it! 


  1. I would love to see this, as would my children :)

  2. I'd love to have this movie for my four girls!

  3. I would love to win a copy of this video. Have a great Christmas!!
    Carol Anderson

  4. I want it!! Is that a good comment? I mean Merry Christmas :-)

  5. We always love a good Christmas movie.

  6. This would be great for Mia, she would LOVE it!!

  7. "A comment" def better than E-I-E-I-O as she calls nursery rhymes. We need some good videos around here.

  8. Sounds great for the whole family!

  9. This sounds wonderful! My kids would love it!!! Thanks!!!Love your blog by the bring laughter in just when I need it. ;)

  10. Sounds awesome, we love Christmas movies at this house, books too. we are reading through our stack! Have a great Christmas! BTW- I will be back your way the 23:) Are you around?


I LOVE your fact, I'll go as far as to say I'm obsessed with hearing from you! I love, love, love it! So, leave me a comment, would you?!