
Friday, September 20, 2013

Lucy's New Boots

Lucy has been pining for some cowgirl boots for a good long time.
Like, a loooong time.
And she had picked out just the ones she wanted quite a while back.
Which prompted her to start saving her money.

One of her designated jobs to earn extra money is to help me
with my baking orders.
She's the official packager-helper and labeler.

And after working week after week all summer,
she finally had saved up enough to get her beloved boots!

She's soooo super excited...and very proud of herself!

And now she's saving up for a cowgirl hat.


The End. 


  1. What a sweet helper! I love her new boots!

  2. Love the boots, just hope she doesn't hit a growth spurt like my young lady..suddenly went from size 5-1/2 to 8 ladies...

  3. How cute! And yay mom, for having her earn them!

  4. They are so cute!
    You can never start too young teaching them about saving!!

  5. That is AWESOME. And they look great!! Way to go, Cowgirl!!

  6. I am lovin those cowboy boots! We have a couple girls with birthdays coming up and that is a great idea for a gift!!
    I loved that she saved up for them! And next it's the hat!! She is such a cute cowgirl!

  7. I love this story. Love that you made her wait on the boots till she earned the money on her own. Love the big ol' smile on her face that says "I did it myself." and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those new boots. Very sweet!


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