
The Childrens

Here are my children:


First came Brenden (right).
He is 20 years old and attends a super cool Christian University.
He is marjoring in math with a minor in physics.
Then came Nick (left).
He is 18 and is a working full-time, starting a career he loves.
These two fellas are just the funnest guys ever.
They make me laugh every single day.

Then came the adopted bunch.

First came Lucy.
We adopted her from Fuzhou, Jiangxi, China in June, 2008.
Lucy pretty much rules the roost around here.
She is 8, definitely going on 36.

Next up is Macy.
We adopted Macy from Luoyang, Henan, China in September, 2009.
Macy is super quiet, adorable, and my right-hand-gal.
She is 18.

Then there's Isaiah.
Our littlest guy was adopted from Zongshan,Guangdong, China, in May 2011.
Isaiah is one funny man.
He is 7 years old and full of life.
 (Sorry, that pic is a little fuzzy. He's a moving target)

Last up is Eli.
We adopted Eli from Luoyang, Henan, China in May 2011.
He is super quiet, very smiley, and extremely helpful.
Eli is 15 years old.

And that's it.
And I do mean, that's it.
Our quiver is full and my brain is fried.